Exploring the

GitHub Service Universe

All-round carefreeful Software Development with GitHub Services

Created by Björn Kimminich / @bkimminich

Björn Kimminich


This is not a marketing talk. It is a compilation of personal experience gathered while working on two of my own public repositories. I am neither affiliated with nor paid or otherwise reimbursed by GitHub or any other company behind the products mentioned in this presentation. No product evaluation or comparison study of any kind was conducted prior to choosing the services presented here.

Only services that are entirely free for open source projects are presented in this talk.



Collaborative Git repository hosting service.


If you've never heard about GitHub before...

You don't trust...

...cloud service providers with your code?

Fact #1: GitHub offers free hosting of public Git repositories!

You have not yet...

...migrated away from Google Code?

Fact #2: Offering a sophisticated web-based graphical interface, GitHub still remains 100% compatible with the git CLI.

You are still...

...on Subversion?

Fact #3: GitHub supports collaborative development through e.g. forking and pull requests.

Or even...


Fact #4: GitHub (optionally) adds an issue tracker, wiki and project page to each repository.

Or seriously...

...no version control system at all?

Fact #5: Repository statistics and social extras like Feeds, Followers & Favorites are part of GitHub.

WebHooks & Service Hooks

Individual & Third Party Service Integration



Wait a moment! What are WebHooks?

Simply put: User-defined HTTP callbacks.

More specifically: HTTP POSTs that occur when something happens. So basically a simple event-notification via HTTP POST.

WebHooks on GitHub

Service Hooks on GitHub

  • Service Hooks can only be installed on repositories
  • Only one Service Hook per integrator
  • Supported events depend on service implementation
  • Services come with their own unique configuration

Account Level Integration

  • Close integration with GitHub by demanding repo or account access
  • Do not require any manual setup by the user on the GitHub page
  • Configured by the service provider via its own user interface

Integration Chain

  • 3rd party does not integrate directly with GitHub
  • Instead integration with APIs of other service providers
  • Very useful in Continuous Integration context. Example:

What way of Integration should I use?

  • GitHub recommends WebHooks for all new integrations
  • If required use OAuth to manage authorization
  • The existing github-service repo is not accepting any new services

Adding a WebHook to a repository

Repository WebHook Event Types

Organization WebHooks send events for all repositories in that organization. New events for repository creation and team membership are also available on organization-level.

Service Hook example: Twitter

WebHooks & Services in Settings menu

Adding Twitter as a Service

The Twitter Service configuration

Authorizing GitHub to send tweets

Setting tweet format and trigger branch

Sending a test payload

The Test Service function triggers the real Service once for the most recent commit!

The published push notification tweet

The Showcase Repositories

Kata TCG

Code Kata for a two-player trading card game loosely based on Hearthstone - Heroes of Warcraft


Sample Implementations

  • Java (JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito)
  • Groovy (Spock)
  • Javascript (Karma, Jasmine)
  • Clojure (work in progress...)

Polyglot Build

Multi-module Gradle build using language specific plugins to build & test all sample implementations in one execution.

Juice Shop

An intentionally insecure Javascript Web Application


Technology Stack

Build Setup

13 valuable GitHub Services

in practical use in kata-tcg & juice-shop



Platform for delivering push notifications from virtually any application to an Android device.


Install free* NMA Android App

*The number of receivable notifications per day is limited. Unlimited premium account available via in-app purchase.

Generate API Keys for each Notifier

Enter API Key in NMA Service config

For convenience you can use the same API Key for all your GitHub repositories.

Notification on every push to GitHub

Amazon SNS

Simple Notification Service enables applications, end-users, and devices to instantly send and receive notifications from the cloud.


Create global topic in SNS Dashboard

Create Subscriber for SNS Topic

Configure SNS Service in GitHub

For convenience you can use the same SNS Topic for all your GitHub repositories.

Receiving sexy* JSON email on a push

*If you're not so much into JSON I'm sure you'll find a WebHook subscriber that is...

Continuous Integration


Hosted continuous integration service providing different runtimes for different languages.


Last result for each repo & build history

Detailed build log for failure analysis

Build results per pull request

Build results per commit of a PR

Warning about ongoing PR build

Of course there is also a warning when the PR build failed.

Watching the console of the running build

Merging PR with a warm All is well-feeling

Build configuration via .travis.yml file


Automated cross-browser and mobile testing in the cloud for CI.


List of last test run results for juice-shop

Overview of the last failed test run

Live screencast of ongoing e2e test run

Triggering Saucelabs from Travis CI

The secure tokens are your SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY.

Quality Assurance


Works with continuous integration servers to provide test coverage history and statistics.


Coveralls repository dashboard

Coverage of latest builds of a repo

Coverage per file for specific build

Drilldown into file coverage

Integration into PR overview screen

Passing test results to Coveralls

Setup NMA email* on any coverage drop

For each new API key NMA automatically creates an email address apikey@nmamail.net that can be used for custom notifications.

Notification on a (forged) coverage drop


Automated code review for Ruby, JS, and PHP providing feedback on code quality and test coverage.


Quality overview in Codeclimate Feed

Quality metrics and test coverage per file

Code smells identified by Codeclimate

Coverage details show a missed function

Send merged LCOV data to Codeclimate

Automatically open issues for code smells

Refactoring issue created by Codeclimate

Dependency Management


Notification System for Software Libraries showing outdated dependencies in different supported project files.


Versioneye Project Overview

Supported Languages: Java - Ruby - Python - PHP - Node.js - JS - Objective-C - Clojure - CSS - R

Dependency details on project level

Graph with all indirect dependencies

This graph shows all the dependencies brought into the JS implementation of kata-tcg by the used testing libraries!


Monitoring of project dependencies and alerts for updates and security vulnerabilities.


Dependency status overview for all repos

Outdated Jasmine test dependencies

Email with security alert

Continuous Deployment


Build and Run Your Apps, Your Way.


Heroku instance of Juice Shop

Heroku offers a free small instance per personal application.

Application status dashboard

Heroku supports Ruby, Node.js, Python, Java, and PHP.

Application deployment history

Setting up deployment in .travis.yml

By default only a successful build of the master branch triggers a deployment.


Open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.


Autobuild Repository on Docker Hub

Activated Docker Service Hook on GitHub

The Dockerfile of Juice Shop



Lightweight Kanban Board offering instant project management for GitHub issues.


Kanban Board based on GitHub issues

DnD for priorization and process flow

Simple creation and tagging of story cards

Authorizing access to GitHub repos

Let HuBoard setup the GitHub integration

Service Hook generated by HuBoard


Funding platform for open-source software where users can create/collect bounties and pledge to fundraisers.


Overview of issues to place bounties on

Picking an issue to place a bounty on

Placing a 10$ bounty for a new logo

The new bounty in the Activity feed

Issue augmented with bounty information

Developer starting to work on issue

Developer claims bounty for closed issue

Approved and paid bounty for new logo


Chat. For GitHub.


The official Gitter chatroom of Juice-Shop

Disclaimer: Chatroom might appear more desolated on screenshot than in reality.

Activity sidebar populated via WebHooks

GitHub-side of the Gitter-WebHook

With granted repository access Gitter will setup its WebHook on GitHub automatically.

One final takeaway

If the services you are using offer  status  badges  for your README.md...

... use  them ...

...on  every  occasion ...

...because they are  just  cool !

Thanks for your attention!

by  Björn  Kimminich  / kimminich.de

These slides are publicly available on GitHub and Slideshare.



Copyright (c) 2015 Björn Kimminich